About us

Fedorova Lab #LMAI

Here at “Lipid Metabolism: Analysis and Integration” (LMAI) we look at this amazing diversity of lipids by using advanced bioanalytical and computational tools. With mass spectrometry (MS) based lipidomics and epilipidomics we can take apart complex lipidomes down to the lipid molecular species level to detect and quantify even fine alterations in lipid metabolism. And then, using our computational tools we assemble this information into the detailed metabolic maps reflecting the biological status of the system.

At LMAI, we are specifically interested in:

  • Tissue lipidomes as metabolic units
  • Plasticity of lipid metabolism in stress responses
  • Lipid and lipidome quality control (at subcellular, cellular, tissue and organismal levels)
  • Concept of epilipidome, as a subset of natural lipidome formed by lipid modifications, aiming to increase regulatory capacity of biological systems

Why is it important? Lipids have huge biomedical potential in:

  • Understanding numerous metabolic disorders which emerged in pandemic proportions in the modern world. We are specifically looking at the alteration in lipid metabolism in obesity, diabetes, NAFLD and cancer.
  • When better understood, lipid metabolism can be targeted pharmacologically. Thus, we are searching for metabolic vulnerabilities which can help to combat metabolic or malignant diseases.
  • Lipids can serve as biomarkers and help to monitor the success of drug development. With MS instruments already present in clinical labs, lipids have a high potential for clinical translations as predictive, diagnostic, and prognostic biomarkers.


As a tradition every December, we had a special Friday lab seminar where Maria put together all what we have achieved as a team in 2023.

  • Fedorova Lab
  • Center for Membrane Biochemistry and Lipid Research (ZML)
    TU Dresden
  • Address: Tatzberg 47/49, 01307 Dresden

Video recording from yesterday #LipidMet (#Lipidomics task group of the @MetabolomicsSoc ) meeting is already available, alongside with records from prior meetings:

Thanks @WishartLab & David Friedecký for excellent presentations, which led to lively…

JLR press| Jokesch et al.'s data provide further insights into the mechanisms regulating circulating levels of OxPLs.
Learn more:

The LIPID MAPS structure database is now over 4900!!🥳🥳🥳🥳 Don't forget to update your LMSD.sdf files regularly!!👨‍💻👩‍💻🖥️✨

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  • Fedorova Lab #LMAI
  • Center of Membrane Biochemistry and Lipid Research (ZML)
  • Address: Tatzberg 47/49, 01307 Dresden
  • Copyright 2023 Fedorova Lab, LMAI
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