• gabriele.lombardi_bendoula[at] tu-dresden.de
  • Tel: +49 351 796-5631
  • Fax: +49 351 796-36699

Gabriele Lombardi Bendoula

PhD student

Gabriele Lombardi Bendoula is a Master graduate in Chemical Science from the University of Perugia in Italy. He carried out his Bachelor’s research in the Lab of Prof. Raimondo Germani’s where he studied the self-aggregation of surfactants in non-aqueous media, such as Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES). This research helped in understanding the relation between critical micellar concentration (CMC) and eutectic point of choline chloride-trimethylglycine based NADES.
He carried out his Master’s research in  DAISY Lab headed by Prof. Laura Goracci and Prof. Gabriele Cruciani. The master’s project aimed to develop cheminformatics methods to support the tracing of lipid metabolism using click chemistry approaches. In which he worked on the synthesis of the click reagent and generation of databases for the analysis of derivatized lipids. After graduation he was awarded by Erasmus Plus Traineeship to join the LMAI team for two months. During his stay at LMAI, Gabriele continued his master’s project in collaboration with Palina Nepachalovich, where they characterized MS/MS fragmentation patterns of clicked lipid species for implementing new fragmentation rules (For automatic identification of clicked lipids) in Lipostar 2.0 software for lipidomics analysis.
After the Erasmus experience in Dresden, he decided to join LMAI as new PhD student for starting a new exiting path in Lipidomics field.

Research interests

Gabriele’s doctoral project is devoted to deciphering the role of bioactive lipid mediator in fibrosis development in the context of liver pathologies. Here, we are looking for the link between lipid metabolism and liver fibrosis and steatosis. Specifically, Gabriele is focusing on the role of lysophospholipids using cell culture and animal models with the loss of function of the MBOAT7 gene, a crucial regulator of phosphatidylinositol’s remodelling. We are planning to investigate at molecular level the cross-talk mediated by bioactive lipids between hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells in the context of various NAFLD modes.

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